[Emulator] BGB 1.2
Emulator :
2008. 1. 13. 00:49
BGB is a Gameboy emulator that features:
- emulation of the GameBoy, GameBoy Color, and the Super GameBoy
- runs almost all roms perfectly.
- Accurate sound emulation, sounds exactly as on a real GB/GBC. sound can be written to .wav file.
- accurate video emulation. The screen looks exactly as on a real GB/GBC.
- This emulator is fast.
- Joystick/Gamepad support, everything configurable
- MBC3 Real Time Clock emulation.
- Auto delay/frameskip, gameboy runs at 100% real speed.
- GameGenie and GameShark cheat
- save/load state with quick (zsnes style) keys.
- Configurable keys and screen colors.
- Load from zip and gzip files
- This program does not use DirectX or runtime libraries.
- support for fullscreen mode with optional border bitmap.
- TCP/IP game link support